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Mazal tov on your special day!

Please note that as we are an Orthodox congregation we do not offer interfaith marriage facilities. 

All applications for weddings under Orthodox auspices should be made in the first place to the Office of the Chief Rabbi at Dublin Hebrew Congregation in order to obtain and fill in the Marriage Authorisation. It will be necessary to produce the Ketubah (or certified copy) of the parents of both the bride and bridegroom for this purpose. Brides or bridegrooms who are not from our Community will also have to supply a copy of their birth certificate and a letter from their local Orthodox Rabbi confirming that they are eligible to be married.

Applicants are advised to obtain from the Rabbi’s Office confirmation of their proposed arrangements before entering into any fixed commitments.

No marriage may be solemnised at Orthodox Synagogues in the Republic of Ireland until:

(a) The Rabbi’s Marriage Authorisation Certificate has been issued.
(b) The parties have given notice to their respective local Registrar(s) (by appointment only) at least three months prior to the date of their intended date of the marriage, and passed on the Registrar’s Authorisation Certificate(s) which will be issued three weeks following the notification, to the respective Synagogue Secretary for Marriages.

Parties to be married should also remember:

(a) To ascertain the availability of the Synagogue and the Hall before the date of the wedding is confirmed.
(b) To arrange for Kashrut Supervision at wedding dinners and/or receptions by application to the Office of the Chief Rabbi.
(c) Not to contract a Civil Marriage at the Registrar’s Office unless there are compelling reasons for such course, and then only after consultation with the Office of the Chief Rabbi.

(d) According to Irish law marriages must take place in venues which are accessible to the public. Weddings in private homes are illegal

For further info regarding the above please email HERE

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